This is a 12 inch dove that lives in open forests and edges, roadsides, farms and urban areas. Their diet consists of seeds and grains; the young eat a cottage cheese-like crop milk called "pigeon's milk" that is regurgitated from the adult. They range from the southern part of Canada, the United States, Mexico, to Central America and the Caribbean. This bird is hunted throughout most of its range. It is the most abundant and widespread of all the game birds in North America. When building a nest, the male will collect the materials. When he arrives at the nest with materials, he will stand on the female's back and give them to her, so that she can construct it. They often build more than one nest. Then she will choose which one she prefers. Both male and female sit on the eggs and share incubating duties. This bird can fly at speeds of 55 mph. This bird's call sounds like it is mourning, hence its name.
Exhibit: Cypress Creek Aviary